Why Newgrounds, Shei?
I'm reviving my Newgrounds account as "Shei Carson" since Tumblr decided to take
down every piece of adult content of their site due to their new community guidelines
taking effect on December 17, 2018. Also, this leads many artists on Tumblr to take
refuge elsewhere on the internet to express themselves through all sorts of artwork!
What kind of content, Shei?
I'm an NSFW artist who is affiliated with PalComix, so expect some gold and diamond
rewards from Pietro's Club down the road. I can draw to with Photoshop CC as I own a
Wacom Cintiq 13HD drawing tablet to work on various pieces of artwork I have planned
as time passes by. Keep in mind that most of my work will be getting kinky from here!
You got other accounts, Shei?
Yes, I have my InkBunny, FurAffinity, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, and Discord accounts
shown on my profile page for you to gain access to them, but be warned that it contains
explicit imagery. I want my community in which I had build upon from what's left of my
deceased tumblr blog that I have no choice but to leave behind to start all over again!
Plans on Newgrounds, Shei?
This account's old username here on Newgrounds was originally called RMGGaming
since it was signed in with my current gmail account back in April 2015 before I left.
Now, I changed to what I'm know for and want to start building this account with all
sorts of content to gain new followers and various achievements from it, everyone!